

Solution and dedication are two course of action that WPC Logistics believe could deliver the best services for the costumers. 


Every product distribution, export or import, always has regulation to comply, therefore WPC Logistics guarantee to conduct observation and give away…

[Learn more] Value Added Services

WPC Logistics always learn from the costumer, study their needs and deliver. For example, WPC Logistics will provide new warehouse program, as well as…

[Learn more] Buying Consolidation

WPC Logistics incorporate wide network which could provide buying consolidation with combined integrated system and precise time delivery. This particular…

[Learn more] Warehouse and Design

WPC Logistics carefully choose warehouse location so that it would be suitable for costumers comfort and need, including the measurement of the warehouse.…

[Learn more] Inventory

Inventory is the most important, the accuracy targeted at 99,99% with less margin error. WPC Logistics believes in operational system review, which would…

[Learn more] Rate Classification

WPC will study and give the alternative to all transportation cost, in order to give costumer more efficient expenditure.

[Learn more] Vendor Management

On going process to define the procurement capability to support costumer business plan, by using the method of in-house and outsource to create the balance…

[Learn more] Freight Management

WPC Logistics networks are able to support and choose priority for every shipment. In other hand, understand the process of the product is the key factor…

[Learn more]