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24 October 2016

Susi Pushes Gov't to Improve East Indonesia Fishing Industry

The government plans to build a fish processing industry in the eastern Indonesian regions to allow fishermen to sell their catch with ease. The condition is due to a disparity in determining the prices of fish in a number of regions.

Maritime and Fisheries Affairs Minister Susi Pudjiastuti said that the prices of fish in the eastern Indonesia are very cheap compared to other regions because most of the regions do not have proper facilities to store fishes.

For example, Susi said that the price for one processed mackerel in east Indonesia is Rp 3,000. Meanwhile, the same fish would sell for Rp 30,000 to Rp 40,000 in Java. "But many people still purchase it," Susi said on Thursday, October 20, 2016.

Therefore, Susi said that the government must take steps to increase the number of processing industry, especially in the eastern regions, and provide better transportation method that would allow fish products to be delivered in and out of the market easily.

Source: http://en.tempo.co/read/news/2016/10/20/056813903/Susi-Pushes-Govt-to-Improve-East-Indonesia-Fishing-Industry-