13 March 2024
The role of ethical leadership in the supply chain
There is a leadership vacuum developing across many industries — and supply chain managers are well positioned to fix it.
The vacuum has its roots in post pandemic burnout, economic uncertainty and succession challenges. While the primary role of procurement and supply chain managers is to oversee logistical operations, they often exhibit the strategic qualities needed for successfully leading a complex organizations.
Ethical leaders hold themselves and others accountable for upholding principled standards and values. They act as stewards, prioritizing the long-term sustainability and success of their organization. Leaders also consider the interests of others, including employees, customers, shareholders, and even the broader community, in their decision-making processes.
While some supply chain managers may be comfortable with their traditional back bench role, others are increasingly filling the leadership vacuum and showing their ethical priorities in the process. Here are five of the many ways those ethical leaders bring value to their organizations.
1. Support employees
2. Build strong supplier relationships
3. Promote responsible sourcing and sustainability
4. Mitigate downstream risks
5. Influence industry standards and practices
Source: www.supplychaindive.com